
SB4001 Compresor para Buss de serie 500 de Serpent Audio

Austrian Audio MiCreator - Herramienta del FuturoPromo

SB4001 Compresor para Buss de serie 500 de Serpent Audio
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Product code:sb4001

El SB4001 empuja los límites y establece nuevos estándares para el formato de la Serie 500. Con VCA Quad, 6 Ratios, 10 Tiempos de Ataque, High Pass / Boost / Slope Sidechain Filtros, Wet / Dry Blend Control, Entrada Externa (Key), Clásico Stepped Release Configuración, Clásico y Alternativo Auto Release, Control de Liberación Variable, así como Modo "Grind" (una unidad de armonía de estilo de válvula patentada que agrega color vintage), el SB4001 es capaz de ofrecer cualquier sonido que necesite. Ya sea limpio, sucio, vintage, sutil o aplastado, el SB4001 es seguro que será uno de los compresores más flexibles de su arsenal.

Todas las unidades se hacen en los EE.UU. a un nivel excepcional de artesanía y mano de obra.

En palabras del ganador de grammy William Pearson

“I was excited to try the SB4001. The buzz on the street was that it was a fantastic buss compressor that went the extra mile – and beyond. I was expecting greatness and it did not disappoint. I had been on the hunt for a flexible 2 buss compressor for quite some time. Right from the outset, the build quality was impressive, but from the moment I inserted it into my analog 2 buss chain, I knew I’d be keeping it. The mix I was already working on instantly became much “larger” and the glue factor was off the hook. Actually, a touch TOO “off the hook” for my personal mixing esthetic, and that’s where the blend control came in. Backing off to around 40% wet made all the difference for me. This mix still needed to be dynamic and breath, and the 4001 did just what it took to make the mix simultaneously pop while still retaining dynamics. Awesome!! How did I live without this guy?? There is so much this thing can do, and it’s so versatile, I don’t expect to be removing it from my 2 buss chain anytime soon. Thanks Mike for making me look great with such an awesome box!!!”

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