
Micrófono OC18 Studio Set por Austrian Audio

Austrian Audio MiCreator - Herramienta del FuturoPromo

Micrófono OC18 Studio Set por Austrian Audio
Micrófono OC18 Studio Set por Austrian Audio

Precio Habitual: $16,900.01

Special Price $15,210.00

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Transferencia o Depósito

Product code:OC18STUDIOSET

“Lovely rich, open sound“

“In the OC18 and OC818, Austrian Audio have combined old-school expertise with clever innovation to deliver really special large-diaphragm microphones at a com- pelling price”

“The OC18 and OC818 aren’t just great microphones for the price: they’re great microphones, full stop.”

Sound on Sound Magazine review July 2019

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