
B1D Mic Pre

Austrian Audio MiCreator - Herramienta del FuturoPromo

B1D Mic Pre
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Product code:B1D-MIC-PRE_1

Los Preamps de Burl son impresionantes. El B1D tiene un sonido con un tono poquito agresivo basado en su transformador de acero. Ideal para guitarras, rock, baterías e instrumentación rockera.

Burl Microphone Pre-amp modules for API 500 Series. B1D uses BX4 steel output transformer for vintage tone. Massive BX3 input transformer. All discrete class A.


THE B1 and B1D MICROPHONE PRE AMP / DI Introducing the B1 and B1D Microphone Pre Amps from Burl Audio. Based on the API 500 series form factor, the B1 was designed to compliment the B2 Bomber ADC, and give you multi-channel pleasure. With the proprietary BX3 input transformer and BX2 output transformer, the B1 Mic Pre delivers warmth with depth and clarity. The B1D is the same as the B1 except that it has an all iron BX4 output transformer giving it a more terrifying rock tone. An all discrete transistor, class-A, direct coupled, capacitor free circuit path, gives the B1 amazing punch on drums, beautiful tonality on guitars, and warmth with presence on vocals. The B1 and B1D come complete with both Gain and Level controls. If you want that heavy, gainy tone, crank up the stepped gain control and offset that with the level control. If clean tone is your thing, turn the gain down and crank up the level. For ribbon mics and other low impedance sources, the B1 has a transformer coupled impedance select. The B1 was rigorously tested with the popular Royer R-121 in the low impedance setting, and we think it sounds pretty f***ing bitchin’’ on guitar amps.

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Clase impositiva IVA
ARW Brand Burl Audio

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