
Tree Audio The Stem 8x2 summing mixer

Austrian Audio MiCreator - Herramienta del FuturoPromo

Tree Audio The Stem 8x2 summing mixer
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Product code:The Stem

The Roots Audio Stem is an 8 x 2 stand alone submixer. In addition to its standalone applications, it can be used with the Roots console and Roots Jr. sidecar. The Stem uses SP690 all discrete class A op amps for increased headroom. Each channel has a level control, pan pot, as well as mute / on / solo switch. The master section has a big knob level control as well as an insert switch that can be bypassed. 

Condition New
Channels 8-Channel
Analog or Digital Analog

tiempo de entrega Entrega de 6 a 12 das hbiles
Clase impositiva IVA
ARW Brand Tree Audio

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