
Tree Audio The Trunk stereo monitor section

Austrian Audio MiCreator - Herramienta del FuturoPromo

Tree Audio The Trunk stereo monitor section
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Product code:The Trunk

El contro de monitoreo más puro. Clase A. Lo que escuchas es la Verdad.

The Trunk is useful for engineers thanks to the possibility to use the Stereo Buss inputs to warm up your mix for better glue, but also to audiophiles who will enjoy the additional warmth that the valves will provide in the chain.

Tree Audio The Trunk Tube Hybrid Monitor Console Features:

Valve Monitor controller

Speaker selector with Sub selection


Mono Sum

Source selector A: BUSS stereo, 2 Track 1, 2 Track 2

Source selector B: Phono, Digital, Auxiliary

Talkback and external mic input

Custom wound input and output transformers

Hybrid phono input and headphone output

External all vacuum tube fully regulated 300 vdc power supply


tiempo de entrega Entrega de 6 a 12 das hbiles
Clase impositiva IVA
ARW Brand Tree Audio

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